Thursday, 30 July 2015

While I was away...

I recently went away for three weeks. The hanging baskets died in the heat we had in the UK, even with watering. But, the climbers at the back survived and the wild flowers are springing up! :) still weeding though ... 

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

New and Old from the Garden

So proud of this first bloom of the pink Gerbera I planted. It's the only one, but so pretty! It stands out in the Wild Corner.
I've also harvested the seeds of Love In A Mist which are over now and dried. Love popping those cases and planting them for the following year! 

Securing Sunflowers

Ok it's very windy today and, having grown these seedlings myself -an achievement in itself - I was not about to watch them being snapped by the elements.
I am sure there are products on the market for tying but I've used my trusty crochet wool. Why not? It seems to be working. 
This is my ambitiously named 'wild flower corner' by the way. I just scattered a packet of seeds around and look what appeared! I recognise poppies and Ive added a few other things in between. No idea what some of them are. Feel free to enlighten me do!